8 steps of cult indoctrination

And they use various ways to achieve their goals. Osho had big dreams. Was it a reward for spending time with your family and friends? Doctor Lifton is the expert who has spent most of his life and education in this field. An analysis of Dr Arthur J. Deikman's book on cult behavior 8. They are collectively revered as Gods only prophet on Earth and the exclusive channel for which new spiritual light is to be continuously revealed to the Jehovahs Witness Organization. Another way cults manipulate people is by manipulating their finances. So why arent any neutrinos slow? 6 replies to The Steps of Indoctrination. May your wonderfully empathetic heart be at peace with the knowledge that you have helped so many of us to live again. desires. How does it work? Once all ties to the outside world have been cut, the member feels like his only family is the group, and he has nowhere else to go. PLAY 8 Steps to Cult Indoctrination Redacted Conversation Christianity In this episode we'll look at the 8 main ways cults recruit new members, and draw some parallels between that and the NIFB churches I've talked about in the past. As he puts it, A certain amount of metaphysical thinking sets you up for that to compensate for the structural inequalities in your life. In his dreamscape Roach was all good, all powerful, an apt comparison to the members of Buddhafield that loved Michels ballet lessons, his open talks of sexuality (well, not that open), his shirtless body twirling and swimming in the Los Angeles sunshine. He went on to study various people from many situations of either imprisonment or indoctrination of some sort. All is forgotten. Jonathan Royle, Hypnotist and NLP practitioner with over 30 years experience in the field of mind control and self help, is here today to outline the 8 steps. We owe this to ourselves to question everything. Cults appeal to our in-group mentality. Are you really in charge of your actions? They teach ideology that goes against commonly accepted notions while dehumanizing people outside of their group. way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the How a cult-recovery therapist helps former NXIVM members regain their independence: 'There's a huge amount of fear and loss'. Questions and doubts are systematically "turned around" so that the doubter feels wrong, worthless, "evil" for questioning. An ex-member told the Japan Times that he took part in a gruelling, 10-day "madness" camp. Cults not only provide firm answers to every question, but also make promises that appeal to those needing reassurance, confidence and affirmation. Cults typically instill the belief that "outsiders" (non-cult members) are dangerous and wrong. Members can believe that all sorts of horrible things may happen if they don't follow the rules, if they don't earn more money, if they leave the group or even think of leaving the group etc. In the second criteria [Mystical Manipulation], it was explained how the Governing Body at the organizations headquarters is viewed as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit and direction. There's even one in Australia. A Brief History of Watchtowers Failed Armageddon Predictions, how black and white thinking can poison your perspective and life, LGBTQ Strong: A Conversation with Transgender Female Sean Farmer Her Incredible Journey. Scientologists often target celebrities for recruitment due to their influence and wealth. A healthy endocannabinoid system is critical to the human bodys immune functions. In this way, there is no chance for a "reality check" or validation of a new member's concerns regarding the group. Its natural. Physical abuse. The next step the cult will take is isolating their new recruit from outside influences. Cults may not allow unsupervised contact with the "outside world." The more you are devoted to the cult, group or whatever it is youre thinking right now, the more rewards you get. Born to a mom who . For Steven Hassan, a former Moonie turned cult expert and author of The Cult of Trump, the answer is decidedly yes. Indoctrination, or thought reform, is a long process that never really ends. Groups can form around almost anything. becoming a cult in itself. You couldnt relax somehow. pursuit of which must supersede all considerations of decency or of immediate Answer (1 of 3): "Deprogramming" implies an outside initiative. I was born and raised in a religious cult. The two key phrases are control of communication and possessing the ultimate truth. So, dont forget to keep track of your actions to avoid being brainwashed. Over the years, weve taken on a lot of new ideologies that change what we think and feel. Parents should look for radical changes in their college student's beliefs and demeanor, Rockwell said. For others, it's a perpetually stressful existence. is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Even the most intense religious indoctrination can be overcome. So many people have had their lives completely destroyed from Watchtower covering up these crimes. (1) Distinctive rituals and beliefs related to God or a person; (2) Isolation from surrounding "evil" culture (idea that the cult is the place of safety and security); (3) A charismatic leader; (4) Observable commitment; Hindsight Bias Analysis Do you entirely understand the meaning of the word internalization? Evolve From Within Never Stop Learning. The members of the cult become the person's only social contact and feedback mechanism. Cult tactics include inducing fears and phobias (strong, irrational fears) in group members to allow the leadership to maintain control. strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes There is the demand that one confess to crimes one But, if you dont follow them, or if you are against them in any way, then they can punish your mind with a variety of means: from guilt to depression, from self-doubt to hopelessness. A very current example of this disgusting policy in action is the recent lawsuit that was imposed on The Watchtower Society in regards to the case in Helena, Montana in September of 2018. Answer (1 of 2): The Jehovah's witnesses cult leaders use current members to recruit.they look for gullible , vulnerable, lonely , economically desperate people.. they start with a smile and feigned interest in you . You could form a canasta cult, or a World of Warcraft cult, if you want. Shame anyone who questions; shun any who leave. What really matters, according to Hassan, is what differentiates a benign cult from a destructive culti.e., the one you really need to watch out for. It will only happen when they are personally re. Sleep and food deprivation, coupled with rigid rules, help to break down a person's sense of self. For example, you might be told that if you leave the cult, your friends and family will no longer like you. To be fair, followers are not expected to confess every little minor sin that they may commit, as we all are imperfect and make mistakes every day of our lives. It emerged from somewhere deep in childhood; it was about both mirroring and splitting. This means that its quite possible that you may not even realize that youve been brainwashed in some way or another. Well, Im afraid there may be: over-indulgence in rewards. As the site itself exclaims, JWfacts makes it as simple as possible to determine if Jehovahs Witnesses have the truth.. They will make you feel like youre a bad person if you break their rules, or if your actions contradict their beliefs. The thing were not talking about in cult life is living a normal, ambivalent, adjusted life, where you realize you will be happy and sad, things will die, relationships will end, you will get sick and well again, things will continue. Heres a look at the Civil War work of Mathew Brady. 760-580-5758. . Few people seem to have a clear definition of indoctrination, and thus call anything they dislike indoctrination (e.g., "Leftists professors are indoctrinating their students," "Those . If this is the case, then Im sure that youre being either indoctrinated or brainwashed. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. Here are the four steps to getting sucked into a cult. This is an example of a very cult-like rule. Members of any one of these suspect that others are cults, because, of course, they have the best one. Very Important: Please give this next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information. For example, if a friend of yours is a member of a small group, then your friends will often try to get you involved in the group as well. Having Only after leaving Roach and, later, Andersons group, could he understand that he had been starving even though food was right in front of him. How do you feel when you read your favorite news source? Besides, cults often try to isolate their members from the outside world so that theyre unable to get in touch with anyone whos not in the cult. A jury ruled in a verdict ordering that The Jehovahs Witnesses were ordered by a jury to pay $35 million to a woman who says the churchs national organization ordered Montana clergy members not to report her sexual abuse as a child at the hands of a congregation member. "Most cults are extremely small and very deliberately try to to stay under the radar," Eichel told "48 Hours" correspondent Peter Van Sant. The 12 Steps is very much seen as a practical program for a spiritual way of life and not an indoctrination of religious beliefs. 9. Have you found yourself being asked to do things that you feel are stupid? There are also other more subtle ways that a manipulator can use, such as keeping noise levels up, having . being changed a step at a time. Do you understand why you do what you do? If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Some groups ask their members to wait for years before they learn the entire creed. 211334SharesSubject and Expectation: In this third installment recounting his experiences growing up as a Jehovahs Witness, The Small Town Humanist ventures further into his, Evolve From Within: The Philosophy of Humanism Theory and Atheism, Part Two: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part One: My Inspiring Comeback Story of Escape From the Most Dangerous Religious Cult in the World Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Two: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Confusing Childhood as One of Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Three: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Time as a Jehovahs Witness Ministerial Servant and an Introduction to the Three Men That Took My Life, Reason Number One Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful The Business of Religion, How You Can Help to Change the Whole World Be a Better Parent, Part One: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part Five: The Storm Being Removed From the Jehovahs Witness Religion, Reason Number Two Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful Breeds Traumatic Levels of Fear-based Guilt and Shame. You cannot make rational decisions without their guidance. We may think we're too savvy for such manipulation, but a recruiting group can be a finetuned operation. Manipulators know that there are many physical techniques whereby a victim can be brainwashed. mind control is the seductive first part of the process of indoctrination, and "brainwashing" is . Now I want you to think about it. Access to necessities depends on the leader's favor. the ubiquitous human tendencies toward guilt and shame but also by the need to His steps are quoted in italics with my comments included below each step. Information manipulation can be used to control peoples thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. When I started to resolve the behavioral drives it was about beginning to value normalcy. If this sounds like whats happening in your life, it might be time to take a step back and take a closer look at how the information is shaping your beliefs. on Twitter, Share How Do People Become Indoctrinated Into Cults? Isolation - Cults cut off members from the outside world (and even each other) to produce intense introspection, confusion, loss of perspective and a distorted sense of reality. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Click here to watch some of the footage. divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the Members may be deprived of sleep or food, given exhausting tasks, kept away from their usual support networks. Special Knowledge. Cults are going virtual, but deprogramming needs one old-school tactic, say experts. Roach systematized his own brand of Tibetan Buddhism, one that the Dalai Lama and senior leaders rebuffed. Your beliefs are not yours and you cannot change them. Those in power distribute rewards for "good" behavior and . The cult does not have a monopoly on this kind of manipulation. Copyright 2007-2023 & BIG THINK, BIG THINK PLUS, SMARTER FASTER trademarks owned by Freethink Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Written down, the signs seem clear: 1. According to the official website for the JW organization, they are claiming at the time of this writing that there are around 8,500,000 Jehovahs Witnesses on the planet. So, try to be more mindful and dont stop checking all the information you take in. He looked like me. A cult answers to no one. Mr. Liftonif somehow you manage to read this article, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to you. The member may be deprived of adequate sustenance and/or sleep so the mind becomes muddled. Thought reform is an umbrella term for any number of manipulative techniques used to get people to do something they wouldn't otherwise do. Another important distinction is one that underlies all of the previous distinctions: The military is accountable to its government for its activities -- it is a regulated organization. Here's a way to both learn about cults and recognize if a dangerous one is near you. The good and the pure are of course those ideas, feelings, and In cult recruiting and indoctrination, these techniques include: Deception - Cults trick new recruits into joining the group and committing themselves to a cause or lifestyle they don't fully understand. Or do they disagree with what they read in your favorite news source? And thats fine. Slowly people began to hear about the commune. Steps Download Article 1 Learn the organization's foundations. MY FIVE-STEP GUIDE TO CRAFTING A CULT. He outlined several ways to identify cults. Nato is a writer and a researcher with an academic background in psychology. Hes been involved in two cults: the Gelukpa Tibetan Buddhist group headed by former diamond dealer Michael Roach and former real estate salesman Charles Andersons Endeavor Academy. There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. Thank you, my friend. Instead his dream world fed an insatiable curiosity about a perfection that can never exist. Throughout recorded history (and probably much longer) humans have been susceptible to charismatic leaders that have, either by nature or training, understood the psychology of acquiring followers. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or giving validation. Discussing the documentary film, Holy HellWill Allens harrowing inside look at the West Hollywood Buddhafield cult led by actor and hypnotist Michel (still active in Hawaii)Remski told me theres no easy answer regarding indoctrination. This is where it all starts. Do you feel uncertain about whether your beliefs belong entirely to you or not? While in the cult, he was eating one meal a day and sleeping only two hours each night. 209 Episodes. One described how each acid trip took her farther and farther away from reality, until she could believe anything at all. He called his commune Rajneeshpuram. There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology,. Its pretty simple. For enlisted personnel, this process occurs during Army Basic Training, Navy Boot Camp, Air Force Basic Training, or Marine Corps Boot Camp. agenda or full content of the group. Whatever the case may be, youre probably receiving rewards in some way or another. Stay tuned for Part Two coming in a few days. Cult behavior involves a fervent devotion to a particular person, object, or idea. The group uses "thought reform" methods If your serious questions are answered with cliches, you're probably in a cult. Many, Remski says, are simply looking for room and board, an example featured in the Hulu series, The Path, about an ayahuasca-drinking cult in upstate New York. Cults mislead new recruits/members as to the true expectations and activities of the group. At the time of this writing, Doctor Lifton is still alive and well. We chose to highlight Jehovahs Witnesses as the case study for the discussion but there are cults to be found all over the world, some of which that are so intelligently put together that it is hard to identify them as a cult and even harder for a member in it to know that they are in a dangerous cult. Young adults often go off to college happy and excited, but come . 4 "Cults Insist On Reprogramming The Way People See The World." Cults insist they are the only ones that know the truthabout society. Cults may hide any signs of illegal, immoral or hyper-controlling practices until the recruit has fully immersed himself in the group. The goal may be to make them. January 14, 2022, 7:15 pm. Why? This is usually done through peer pressure or subtle manipulation. This is a very effective way of punishing people and keeping them in the group. This one is executed very differently inside of a brainwashing mind control cult. . If the global Armageddon that is described in The Apostle Johns Revelation were to happen today, it is the belief of this entire organization that 99.887% of the planet would be destroyed, leaving approximately 0.112893539474% of the people alive; Jehovahs Witnesses. They may even be used on you. It may seem innocent: a self-help group, a retreat, relationship therapy, church, a business meeting, an evening class. This group of about 8 imperfect human men adamantly claim to be governing the exclusive organization for the entire planet of 7.6 billion humans, possessing the divinely-gifted authority to oversee the single organization on Earth that contains the only system of principles to guide humans in living a life that will ensure the best chance I once spoke to the mother of a young man who had joined a destructive community in England. And you should take that responsibility. gued in The Mind Manipulators, indoctrination within "cults" represents a "non-instance" of true coercive persuasion because, although elements of . You now see that there are different sides to every story and that everything depends on how you look at it. It has been approximately nine years since I successfully woke myself up from being indoctrinated since birth into the infamous and world-renowned religion, Jehovahs Witnesses. the features of the group or relationship. has not committed, to sinfulness that is artificially induced, in the name of a This is usually done by making you feel guilty. How is this connected with indoctrination? Please take a minute and read about this on nbcnews.com. Dani's final moment of indoctrination comes when the cult presents her with a choice: she must . People are often recruited at a time of personal stress such as divorce, bereavement, unemployment or depression. He did, however, relate this process to the current American electoral cycle. Parental Alienation occurs when one parent has custody and cuts a child off from the other parent without good reason. This is done by making the members rely on the cult for their daily needs. Even though were aware of the dangerous mechanisms of cult machinery, people continue to fall, again and again. Opposing critical thinking 2. The following techniques are currently being used and enforced all over our world as you read these words. They want to convince us that we cant be held responsible for our actions because the outside world is always changing and we cant keep up with it. But I hope you can understand that none of this is true. Have you been told that if it wasnt for them, youd be lost? The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. If this is the case, then youre probably being indoctrinated. Berg's organisation was also notorious for its use of "flirty fishing", a form of evangelistic prostitution. A new book has added fresh insight into Megxit. The fight lasted about eleven yearsbut I did it! Indoctrination and brainwashing are very real things in the world that we live in. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">. Charles Manson talked his followers into committing brutal murders; members of Heaven's Gate made cheerful videos for their families before their mass suicide - believing they were to be taken to the next level on a spaceship that was hiding behind Hale-Bopp comet. As we were putting this information together, it became clear that the material being presented could potentially be lifesaving to someone in need of help. This leader then informs the members. Today's guests Joyce Short and Nina Lucas represent the organization known as The Consent Awareness Network, which is fighting for sexual abuse survivors by codifying consent in our penal codes as a freely given . For example, you may be punished for not being able to speak or communicate with your loved ones. Just make sure it's positive, good, and harmless. In my 46 years, I have intently studied seven or eight of the more dominant religions of the world. Your work and research helped me to succeeded and now I have the happiest life possible. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If that group has some, to borrow a term from Alan Watts, inside dope, then in your mind its not a cult at all. They make you feel you can do anything but actually, they are controlling you and punishing you for contradicting their values. Even though the religious are quick to point out that others have been brainwashed (such as communists, other religious adherents . . They call it the two witness rule. You can watch Governing Body helper Gary Breaux describe and even defend the two witness rule here. If you wish to learn more about the real truth behind being one of Jehovahs Witnesses, and especially if you are currently seeking help in waking up from this particular system of indoctrination through the brainwashing mind control techniques that we have discussed, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Contact Page. Even if you dont want to be in the group, theyll make sure that your friends will keep on pressuring you into getting involved with them. We are so quick to default our thinking immediately to Catholicism when it comes to child molestation because of it permeating the headlines for so long now. The most basic feature of the thought reform environmentis the control of human communication. This group of about 8 imperfect human men adamantly claim to be governing the exclusive organization for the entire planet of 7.6 billion humans, possessing the divinely-gifted authority to oversee the single organization on Earth that contains the only system of principles to guide humans in living a life that will ensure the best chance possible of surviving the impending destruction at Armageddon of about 99.887% of the entire population of the planet. "Unless they . Invite them to come along again, and again, until they're a part of the family. The similarities between cults and being in love with a narcissist fall into three basic categories: the people involved. And most importantly, its not like theyre in need of this money. Because this goal must serve as the "illuminated eye" of the pyramid, it cannot be attainable. that he participate actively in the manipulation of otherswhatever his Induced Dependency - Cults demand absolute, unquestioning devotion, loyalty and submission. But remember: if youre still not convinced that youve been brainwashed, then its probably because your mind has been changed without your permission. Thats because groups often try to get their members dependent on them so that theyll no longer have any other options or ways of life. The truth is youre the one whos in charge of your actions. The concept of thought reform itself is a controversial one -- some say it's mere propaganda designed to scare people away from new religions and political movements. "Phobia indoctrination is the programming of irrational fears of ever leaving the group, or even questioning the leadership's authority. Isnt it something fascist authorities used to do? There are cults within cults, like the two thousand or so accepted faiths that borrow from Christian doctrine: Mormonism, Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, Lutheranism, Scientology, Christian Science. Youll end up believing in those beliefs and acting accordingly without having any doubt whatsoever. If youre a massless particle, you must always move at light speed. To Create Your Very Own Cult Begin by creating your own reality. They want us to believe that were victims, but they dont want us to be able to stop being victims. 16 There is little non-group leisure time or vacation time away. He called himself Osho. The final step is vital. Lets do some math to help clarify what was just stated before we move on to the third criteria. But is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? They may punish you for contradicting their values. Groups, cults, and organizations are also very good at emotionally manipulating people. Some adjust well to it after a period of time, embracing their new role as "group member" and casting aside their old sense of independence. For the first 15 years of her life, Daniella Mestyanek Young's entire world was The Family. 13 April 2006. There are people that are completely self-interested; there are people projecting all kinds of qualities and needs out of trauma; there are people that dont really care about his racism or incredible misogyny but are really interested in his tax plan. She described her joy when he phoned and asked her to come and get him, and her horror at his appearance - thin and nervy, his head shaved, afraid to eat because it was "against the rules.". And activities of the pyramid, it can not change them for & quot ; &. The four steps to mind control is the case, then youre probably receiving rewards some!, 8 steps of cult indoctrination all rights reserved you may be deprived of adequate sustenance and/or sleep so the mind becomes muddled cult! Brainwashed ( such as keeping noise levels up, having is decidedly.... Be more mindful and dont stop checking all the information you take in fears. Much of a good thing recognize if a dangerous one is near you outsiders. 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8 steps of cult indoctrination