88m ncoer bullets

Loheide NCOER.pdf. Observes, controls, analyzes and provides feedback to Reserve Components (RC) Light Infantry platoons and squads; conducts lane training for supported Reserve Component units; prepares and conducts After Action Reviews (AAR's); facilitates and controls force-on-force operations by enforcing the Rules of Engagements (ROE); conducts mobilization . must begin with verbs or possessive pronouns (his or her); personal pronouns he or she may be used; should use past tense when describing performance or contributions. Motivates others to achieve or exceed unit goals. Phone: 502-613-7777. Intellect NCOER Bullet Comments. If you experience application errors or faulty functionality, please contact the IT Help Desk and ask them to submit a ticket to the SEPS Support Team. Character NCOER Bullets. FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. Bullets/Comments for outstanding APFT score or other positive fitness bullets will go in PRESENCE, d. If PROFILE, make a comment . Each bullet comment should begin with a lower-case letter unless it's a proper noun that is normally capitalized. qualified entire squad as expert with M-16 and M-60, awarded the expert Infantryman Badge (EIB), shares experiences readily, constantly teaching soldiers, constantly seeking to improve, completed three subcourses during rating period, coached and played on company softball team, established a comprehensive cross training program for his section, his platoon had only one tank on deadline report (for 10 days) during last 11 months, was often unaware of whereabouts of subordinates, had the highest deadline rate in the company due to apathy, lacks the endurance/stamina to complete company runs, unprepared to conduct formal training on three occasions, failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148, selected to compete at DA level in the Phillip A. Connelly competition, 100percent accountability of all property during change of command inventories, completed over 60 hours of military correspondence courses during rating period, Sergeant's Time briefing book selected as standard for the battalion, totally committed to quality of awards, NCO-ERs and OERs, 100percent timeliness and processing rate utilizing his system and expertise, provides students the latest in course material by devoting countless after-duty hours revising lesson plans, motivated three soldiers to compete in Division NCO of the Year competition, demonstrated competence resulted in her selection as NCOIC, Preventive Dentistry Course, over five more senior NCOs, his competence enabled him to rank 3d of 20 recruiters in mission accomplishment, competed in brigade level NCO of the Quarter Board in which he placed second of seven NCOs, improved supply reconciliation of overdue documents by 66percent with expert knowledge of ammunition procedures, developed and supervised a company Force Protection Plan for an OCONUS deployment resulting in zero incidents or compromise, commended by Kenyan Minister of Defense for his outstanding medical instruction to over 150 Kenyan soldiers, planned and executed an immunization program for a reserve battalion allowing over 200 personnel to receive all required shots, completed six semester hours during the rating period towards a Bachelor's Degree despite an extremely high OPTEMPO, maintained 100percent accountability of over 1 million dollars worth of equipment, sets the example in the battalion for NBC proficiency, often lends his expertise to other companies, improving their NBC training, completed the battalion's monthly Unit Status Report (USR) requirement for the past 6 months with zero defects. Army Values- falsified the duty log skipping required checks to play video games. choices listed to be shown ( Bullet. Below are examples of senior rater bullets that selection boards like to see. 88N Traffic Management Coordinator. This nco and his/her soldiers often take disciplined initiative in applying leader competencies and attributes; First, aligning the ncoer with current leadership doctrine. HELP! American Military University. must be short, concise, and to the point. Don't think I'll ever get a better bullet . Medical Service. Far Exceeded Standard. Submit a Bullet! Level left blank will show all. Far Exceeded Standard. Far Exceeded Standard. FAIL bullets go in CHARACTER, c. 88H Cargo Specialist. The Rater is the first individual to assess and write comments. Far Exceeded Standard. Sample NCOER Bullets. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. BULLET EXAMPLES: NOTE: MAKE SURE BULLETS REFLECT YOUR NCO. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. NCOER Bullets Examples New NCOER - How To 20160315 - Copy.doc. Meets challenges head on; displays courage, conviction and professionalism daily. Thanks for your contributions! MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER Comments May 2nd, 2018 - MOS 88M Motor Transport Operator NCOER bullets HELP We need more examples If you got em they can be shared by using the form below NAVFAC P 300 MANAGEMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING SUPPORT EQUIPMENT May 4th, 2018 - Naval Facilities Engineering Command 200 Stovall Street If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. Identify what a NCO did and how well they performed. - if senior rater directs rfc then he will explain through bullets in part v. - regardless of who directs rfc the following bullet must be included in part ivf: "the rated nco has been notified of the reason of relief" reduction notes: When the rater enters bullet statements on the NCOER, they should match the rating marked: Excellence, Success, or Needs Improvement. achieved three honor platoon awards during rating period, developed a rigorous PT program which resulted in improvement of section APFT scores from an average of 224 to an average of 246, achieved an outstanding rating on 3 out of 4 command inspections, best in the battalion, improved the processing rate of pay actions from 65percent to 94percent in less than 3 months, in the absence of an officer, commanded the detachment on two separate missions at JRTC, coordinated and executed ahead of schedule the set up of a local area network for 240 computers during the battalion move, selected by the JTF Commander to serve as the J3 to train an ARNG staff on all aspects of TOC Operations, commended by numerous officers for his exceptional training of the national military academy of the former Soviet Republic of Moldova, awarded the FORSCOM's MG Aubrey "Red" Newman Award for leadership excellence, first-choice reporter on prestigious MacArthur Awards ceremony in Pentagon - lauded by Chief of Public Affairs for 117 releases to media, selected as a finalist for the White-House Military Office Senior NCO of the Year, processed over 200 evaluations for all four military services; error-free and achieved an exceptional 98 percent on-time rate, nominated for the Agency's "Technician of the Year", coordinated the movement of 184,000 pounds of equipment worth over $2.5 million maintaining 100percent accountability, maintained 100percent accuracy for 7 Major Subordinate Command ammunition accounts valued at over $28 million, led by example by mentoring two soldiers toward successful achievement of their gold recruiter rings, displayed technical mastery of his instrument as solo bugler during wreath laying ceremony for the Defense Minister of Greece, demonstrated excellent work habits and attention to detail that contributed to a 26percent rise in EIB success, directly responsible for 7 soldiers being awarded the EFMB, biked across Georgia; 468 miles in 6 days, maintained a 100percent SIDPERS accuracy rate for all transactions for 12 months, his aggressive training program resulted in 12 soldiers excelling in the Army's Culinary Arts competition; Winning 16 medals, selected over 10 senior SFCs to be Detachment First Sergeant, received a 100percent rating from the Command Inspection Program in NBC, Property Book, and vehicle maintenance, lack of supervision over subordinates and failure to follow procedures resulted in the loss of $2,000 worth of equipment, demonstrated little concern for the security and accountability of sensitive items during cyclic field exercises, improper purchase from subordinate adversely affected morale and discipline within the section, consistently failed to meet administrative suspenses, counseled by the Battalion CSM for having the most disorganized platoon in the company, failed to develop subordinates; did not perform mandatory performance counseling for the NCO-ER, many times has failed to inspect soldiers and their equipment, perception of improper conduct adversely affected morale and discipline within the Division, unexcused absence from duty left platoon enlisted soldiers unsupervised, failed to comply with instructions of superiors on several occasions, encouraged soldiers to grow by cheating for each other, integrity compromised upon submission of false documents, constantly complained about time spent in the field, an exceptionally talented and gifted NCO who consistently produced superb results - a must select for promotion, models, mentors, and motivates soldiers to emulate Army values, selected over other senior NCOs to manage the administrative section of the largest directorate in the Agency, unlimited potential; one of tomorrow's leaders; promote now, absolutely outstanding NCO whose performance and abilities clearly outdistance that of his peers, capitalize on his leadership abilities and select for Drill Sergeant School, clearly capable of serving with distinction in the most demanding and critical assignments, promote immediately, place in leadership positions, send to ANCOC and assign as a trainer of soldiers, would be an invaluable asset on any Battalion Staff, the epitome of a professional NCO warrior; a model for all others to emulate, unlimited potential; clearly a future First Sergeant, promote first time eligible in the secondary zone, outperformed 99 percent of his peers; clearly the best NCO in the battalion, unlimited potential, promote now, send to 1SG's course and assign as a 1SG, his demonstrated competence and potential deserves immediate promotion to MSG, his leadership is directly responsible for his platoon being rated number one of twelve. If you got 'em, they can be contributed by using the form below. Maintained an OR Rate of 98% on Platoon's Equipment. Gets Results. Required maximum supervision to produce marginal results. (Mental agility, Sound judgment, Innovation, Interpersonal tact, Expertise) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. They cannot be longer than two lines, preferably one, and no more than one bullet to a line. o served as a range coach and safety for the BN M4 range; coached Soldiers on the fundamentals . I check my NCOER after I PCS and it states this: "showed courage and strength of character by owning and taking responsibility for his mistakes; took quick and decisive action to correct a lapse in judgement". LEADERSHIP MILS512. The APFT must be within 12 months of the "THRU" date, but DOES NOT have to be within the dates covered by the NCOER. Sergeant; Norwich University MS 401. HELP! Comments should explain what the Rated NCO did and how well he/she performed. If you got 'em, they can be shared by using the form below. (Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence beyond the chain of command, Leads by example, Communicates) Click on a Tab to View Bullets. The APFT must be within 12 months of . Below are examples of comments describing these decreasing levels of performance. Identifies with others' feelings and emotions. Standard. Demonstrates an understanding of another person's point of view. improved the company physical fitness program which led to a xxx APFT average; xx% of Soldiers scored 270 or above, a x% increase, the second best average in BDE; o increased production efficiency by 11% in the absence of the Station Commander three times in 2nd and 3rd QTR FY22. 26. This section DOES NOT have to be bulleted. o appeared at the division Sergeant Audie Murphy board during combat operations; an example of a true NCO representing the top 20% of NCOs in the brigade; o arrived on station on time every day; demonstrated rare self-discipline for a junior Soldier, o articulated a clear vision; ensured all members were included and understood the objectives; reduced corrective efforts by 75%, o asked daily if there was anything that needed to be done; lowest ranking Soldier but most helpful, mature and productive, o assisted in national awareness of a project that has raised $17,898.38 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, o assisted new Soldiers until they established themselves in the unit; promoted harmony and efficiency from the beginning, o assisted other units; put the welfare of the mission above his own personal needs, o assisted the Command with cleaning up non-participant numbers; lowered the Battalion's numbers by 15% overall, o assumed HR duties in the absence of an MOS-qualified HR Specialist; kept admin functions running for 120 days in addition to regular duties, o attained results regardless of the mission or tasks, o attended the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training course; supported the Army SHARP and EO programs, o balanced the demands of placing the mission first with ensuring Soldiers personal needs were met; fulfilled both responsibilities, o based all decisions on Army values and principles; a diligent NCO whose courage and resolve embody the spirit of the profession of arms, o braved popular consensus to support mission requirements, o chose the right course of action; possessed the moral courage to do what is right, o coached new planner in completing his duties; identified requirements, routine obstacles and workarounds; facilitated operational success for entire team, o coached new Soldiers until they established themselves in the work center; exploited only opportunity to get started on the right foot, o collected trash from all rooms and disposed of it before leaving daily; set the example for responsibility, maturity, and service before self for peers and superiors, o committed to the advancement of the Army, mission accomplishment, unit and subordinates, o committed to the Army and the mission; personified selfless service, o communicated a positive attitude toward mission accomplishment, o completed all assignments on time or identified reasons for delay; is the foundation of our Section effectiveness and unit readiness, o completed all tasks expected of an NCO; reliable and capable, he is the go-to NCO for mission accomplishment, o completed all unit quarterly PMIS on his own initiative; our most trusted and dependable Specialist; allowed leadership focus on more critical areas, o complied with TM safety requirements when training Soldiers; dutiful compliance with instructions demonstrated care for personnel and mission and prevented injury, o conducted himself as a professional Soldier and Senior NCO; demonstrated leadership and integrity, o conducted himself on- and off-duty in a manner that reflected favorably on the NCO Corps, o confronted sensitive issues; understands the necessity of leadership, o considered to be a model Soldier and extraordinary leader by peers and superiors, o contributed to a positive and productive environment and enforced SHARP policies, o contributed to an environment of dignity and respect for all team members; fully supported SHARP, enhanced morale, o conveyed unquestioning faith in her chain of command and Army values, o cooperated with and accepted advice from all members of the squad; his attitude and enthusiasm revived shop pride, o corrected Soldiers when questionable comments were made that might offend other Soldiers; supported SHARP directives, o created a work climate centered around dignity and respect for Soldiers and civilians which resulted in zero SHARP, EO and EEO related incidents, o created an atmosphere of fair treatment, dignity, and respect for all Soldiers in the unit; supported the SHARP and EO programs, o dedicated to the unit, mission, and Soldiers; a credit to the NCO Corps, o dedicated to the values and traditions of the Army, o dedicated to training and caring for Soldiers and their families; efforts evident in increased readiness, o defended new policy and negotiated common ground; sustained operations while adjustments were made, o delayed college enrollment to cover manning deficiency; cooperative team player who puts service before self, o delivered consistent, reliable performance in garrison and under austere conditions, o demanded impeccable self and organization discipline, o demanded quality in all actions and assigned tasks; committed to excellence, o demonstrated a professional attitude; an asset to any unit, o demonstrated absolute dedication and loyalty to the chain of command, unit, and mission, o demonstrated initiative by taking action quickly and with authority, o demonstrated stamina and endurance in completion of daily duties and missions, o demonstrated the highest of standards of conduct on and off duty, o demonstrated the highest standard of loyalty to superiors and the organization, o demonstrated unwavering commitment to the unit, peers and mission, o dependable; is reliable and trustworthy when given an assignment, o devoted an extraordinary amount of time to increasing the functionality of the unit area, o devoted over 40 hours to community events; raised over $3245 for various charities throughout the rated period, o devoted to mission accomplishment and the personal and professional development of his Soldiers, o discouraged false VA disability claims; preserved disability benefits for those that need it, o displayed a high degree of professionalism and loyalty seldom seen in others of his rank and stature, o displayed impeccable character and moral presence through volunteerism, outreach, and mentorship that positively impacted Soldiers and the community, o displayed military bearing and discipline when addressing both Senior NCOs and Officers, o displayed strong character, pride and professionalism, o displayed uncompromising passion for mission accomplishment, o documented all challenges faced during inprocessing and developed an OI for newcomers; eased transition and eliminated obstacles to integration and effectiveness, o driven to succeed; is self-motivated with a strong sense of purpose, o dynamic Non-Commissioned Officer committed to mission accomplishment and the welfare of Solders; an exceptional role model for Soldiers to emulate, o earned reputation as a mature and fair senior NCO; respected by team members for his candor and integrity, o educated Soldiers when questions arose and ensured Soldiers understood the regulations; supported EO and SHARP directives, o eliminated sexual harassment and assault; established a workplace that fostered dignity and respect for all members of the organization, o embodied the "always watchful" motto, displaying constant vigilance in the face of a technologically diverse enemy, o embodied the highest standards of loyalty, integrity and personal behavior continuously, o embraced all tasks with a zest that resonated with and inspired his Soldiers, o embraced and implemented the Army's SHARP and EO programs; zero negative incidents during rating period, o embraced the Army Values in daily life, setting the example for his Soldiers, peers and seniors, o emphasized safety, equity, and fairness and supported the unit SHARP program; earned reputation as a respected senior NCO, o encouraged and accepted criticism to identify areas needing attention and addressed them; strong leader, o encouraged coworkers in training Soldiers on radio procedures; reduced comm failures and subsequent mission delays by 50%, o enforced adherence to regulations and standing OIs, o enforced standards and discipline among the junior enlisted; upheld the Army Values, o ensured Soldiers under her supervision were treated equitably; supported the Army's Equal Opportunity Program consistently, o epitomized selfless-service by placing the needs of his Soldiers and unit above his own, o established a workplace climate that fostered dignity and respect for all Soldiers in the platoon; supported the Army SHARP and Equal Opportunity programs, o established relationships with Soldiers; followed-up on career and personal goals; dramatic improvement in morale, pride, and loyalty, o exceeded Army standards and organizational goals for a leader's competencies and attributes; improved unit support, o excelled as Unit Prevention Leader; meticulous attention to detail ensured no discrepancies occurred during the testing process, o executed all missions effectively and reached all goals, regardless of difficulty, o exemplified dedication to duty by his sacrifice of personal time to unit needs, o exemplified selfless service by contributing his knowledge and expertise, enforcing Army standards, and encompassing Army values in all he does, o exemplified the "Be, Know and Do" leadership philosophy; a truly dedicated professional, o exercised mature judgment and meticulous attention to detail, o exhibited a high level of enthusiasm which influenced his section; raised workplace morale, o exhibited an unwavering devotion to his job and his responsibilities to his team members, o exhibited pride in the unit; believes in team building and force multiplication, o exhibited the highest standards of loyalty, integrity and personal behavior at all times, o exhibited the skill, temperament, and reliability of a true professional, o exposed actions of SSG who stole test equipment and mailed it home while packing up abandoned site; demonstrated integrity, o expressed exceptional pride in his soldiers, his job, and the Army, o expressed himself in an open and candid manner; facilitated teamwork, o faced demanding challenges with conviction and high sense of professionalism, o facilitated feedback and communication and a productive work environment; key to increased effectiveness, o focused on mission accomplishment and consistently achieved superior results, o fostered a cohesive environment of teamwork and respect at all levels, o fostered a positive work environment for all staff; enforced strict adherence to SHARP, EO, and EEO programs with zero incidents, o fostered an environment for mission accomplishment without compromising integrity; consummate Citizen-Soldier with situational awareness and initiative, o fostered an environment of unbiased treatment, cultural awareness and resiliency by supporting SHARP, Equal Opportunity and Resiliency programs, o fostered esprit de corps; helped unify team and efforts toward logistic excellence, o gained the respect of others through honesty and integrity, o gave 100% to ensure mission accomplishment; accepted difficult, short-suspense tasks with enthusiasm, o guided team to unify their efforts and increase their effectiveness, o handled situations firmly and fairly; unequaled in promoting harmony and teamwork, o he is self-motivated and willing to go the distance, o held himself to standards; was always honest and fair regardless of the situation, o her performance has been exemplary throughout this rating period, o her personal integrity is unquestionable, o her personal lifestyle epitomized the total NCO, o her professional conduct is above reproach, o his conduct, on- and off-duty, is above reproach, o his dedication to the Army values and Warrior Ethos is unquestionable, o his work is marked by integrity and initiative; top performer, o honest and assertive; displayed the courage and tenacity to stand up for what was right, o identified abuse of sick call system to avoid duty; reprimanded abusers and restored shop morale and fairness, o identified incomplete and outdated information in Emergency Action cards; increased readiness for all eventualities, o implemented Battalion program to mow yards of deployed Soldiers; instilled sense of family and reduced stress, o implemented the Army's SHARP/EO programs; ensured fair and respectful treatment of assigned Soldiers and civilians, o included all Soldiers in section and maintenance plans; encouraged teamwork and improved efficiency and morale, o increased cooperation in the workcenter by supporting the NCOIC and maintaining focus on the mission, o influenced her peers; increased collective devotion to duty, o innovative and determined in pursuit of goals of the Army, o insisted on loyalty to supervisors and peers, o inspired and motivated Soldiers to meet and emulate the same high standards he maintained, o inspired his peers; met challenges no matter how difficult, o inspired self-improvement in subordinates through her sterling personal example, o instilled a sense of pride within his section, o instilled cohesion and teamwork in his soldiers, o invaluable support; completed shift-change checklist daily; ensured smooth shift turn-over and reduced inter-shift conflict, o invested an enormous amount of effort and time to establish relationships with Soldiers during an extremely tough deployment; yielded enduring loyalty and pride, o involved in every aspect of the mission; was a positive influence on team members, o is a committed NCO that lives by "Mission first, Soldiers always"; provided assistance on any occasion, o is an NCO with foresight who is wired for mission accomplishment, o is reliable and industrious; performed extremely well under pressure and is utterly dependable under all circumstances, o joined a positive group of Soldiers who coached him through daily responsibilities; on site less than 30 days, can already be left unsupervised to complete tasks, o lead from the front, accomplished all mission tasks, o learned to trust his own judgement; kept section focused on the mission and continuous improvement, o led coworkers in training aircrew on proper COMSEC keying procedures; reduced comm failures and subsequent mission delays by 80%, o listened to the concerns of all Soldiers and incorporated their ideas for improvement; built a team that shared success, o lived by and strongly upheld all the Army Values; had unquestionable loyalty and dedication to the Army's mission, unit, superiors and subordinates, o lived by the Be, Know, Do mentality, demonstrating while teaching how to be proficient in all MOS-specific tasks, o lived the morals and values he teaches to others; a man/woman of true integrity, o lived the warrior ethos and never wavered during times of adversity, o made a comprehensive effort to educate leaders and Soldiers about equal opportunity, sexual harassment and sexual assault during all facets of training, o made honor her top priority; is the organization's daily embodiment of professional pride, o made mission accomplishment his top priority, o made positive contributions to the unit and the mission; a true team player, o maintained a fierce and steadfast belief in assigned mission, o maintained a harmonious working environment for subordinates and peers; facilitated productivity, o maintained high standards of personal conduct on- and off-duty; set the examples for subordinates, o maintained impeccable moral and ethical standards; set the example for subordinates, peers, and seniors Soldiers, o maintained professionalism in every aspect of her performance during the rated period, o maintained the highest standards for himself and the unit; deeply respected by every Soldier, NCO, and officer in the company, o mature Soldier; used off-duty time wisely and prepared for METL evaluation; rated best in Platoon, o mentored new Soldiers until they established themselves in the work center; forged an integrated climate of morale, productivity and readiness, o met challenges without compromising integrity, o met even the most difficult technical, professional and leadership challenges with measured determination; earned the respect of both peers and leadership, o monitored Soldier welfare closely; personal needs and goals were secondary to Soldiers' needs and mission accomplishment, o moral leader; discouraged rampant abuse of government program by those fraudulently applying for VA disability, o motivated and challenged peers through leadership by example, o motivated NCO; vigorously prosecuted personal and professional objectives, o offered advice but loyal to final decisions made by superiors, o overcame all challenges; not afraid to fail, o paid attention to the needs of the squad/platoon personnel during training, o participated in all Post police calls; simultaneously demonstrated followership and leadership; resisted NCO privilege, o participated in every community service event; is an asset any unit would value, o performed at a level above the normal call of duty; produced exemplary results, o personified attention to detail; spent additional effort and time to ensure all tasks were completely finished, o placed his Paratrooper's needs above his own; devoted to the team concept, o placed mission accomplishment and Soldiers' welfare ahead of self, o placed others' needs above her own and always stayed until the job was done, o placed the Army and subordinates above himself to meet the needs of the mission through professionalism and dedication to duty, o placed the health, welfare, and training of Soldiers above his own needs and desires, o planned and coordinated food service support for the 212th CSH conversion ceremony which served over 300 Soldiers, civilians, and family members, o portrayed the highest standards of loyalty, duty, and selfless service, o possessed situational awareness and initiative; kept the Section on track in the absence of leadership, o possessed unselfish dedication to duty and quality maintenance, o practiced equal opportunity throughout the platoon, o praised troubleshooting success by junior Soldiers; groomed experienced and capable technicians and mechanics, o preserved momentum when those around him faltered, o prioritized Soldier care while remaining committed to the requirements of Army regulations, o projected self-confidence, authority, and enthusiasm during Physical Training sessions, o promoted a climate in which people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their age, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, o provided invaluable support on a daily basis; completed shift-change checklist and cleanup; ensured smooth shift turn-over and reduced inter-shift conflict, o punctual; always on time; set the example for subordinates while other senior NCOs took advantage of their positions, o put the Army, the mission and subordinates first before own personal interest, o received the Army Achievement Medal from the PA Commandant for outstanding performance as NCOIC of the Color Guard, o recognized efforts of all detachment members; encouraged increased participation in det training and readiness, o recognized junior Soldiers' successes; increased involvement and inspired enthusiastic interest in their MOS, o recorded all challenges faced during in-processing and developed comprehensive OI for newcomers; streamlined integration and reduced obstacles to new arrivals' success, o reenlisted to stay with her unit until mission was finished, o refused to follow the example of SSG who stole test equipment and mailed it home while packing up abandoned communications det; demonstrated integrity, o refused to take advantage of his position as Platoon Leader; worked and trained along side platoon members to build a cohesive team, o reinforced SHARP, EEO programs; displayed respect in a challenging multinational environment, o rejected transfer to rear to remain behind with his team, o remained flexible and cooperative under any condition, o reported chronic harassment of junior Soldiers by contractor; risked ostracism to protect peers; improved Section working conditions, o represented the Section well; performed in a mature and professinal manner at the board; took home top position, o respected junior Soldiers, peers and superiors alike, o risked his reputation and took the initiative to make things happen; led from the front, o risked personal safety to ensure safety of visiting unit and their mission, o sacrificed his personal time to accept additional duties; sustained operations despite manning shortage, o sacrificed off-duty time and effort to attain unit goals, o served as a member of the team and showed pride in unit, o served as a Soldier first, proud to serve, resolute in his duty, o served as an example for seniors, peers and subordinates to emulate; exemplified the Army SHARP, EO and EEO principles through word and deed, o set the example for his Soldiers to follow in terms of personal and professional conduct, o set the example of what every NCO should be: aggressive, intelligent and professional, o shared insights and experience gained during Joint exercise with other section members; multiplied section expertise, o shared solutions and knowledge; developed Soldiers and leaders and left a lasting legacy, o showed concern for Soldiers; balanced placing the mission first while ensuring Soldiers personal needs were met, o showed great pride in the unit; volunteered to lead visitor tour, o showed respect to superiors and subordinates alike; committed to building the morale of Soldiers, o showed unyielding loyalty to the unit, peers, subordinates, and the MEDEVAC mission, o solved many problems and issues; indispensable to the team, o sought challenges and professional growth no matter how difficult, o sought new challenges and responsibilities; poised for advancement, o spent her time preparing and studying; knowledge of the supply system enabled her to better support the command, o stayed after hours to ensure all equipment and COMSEC was packed but credited team for success of Ft Bliss joint exercise, o stellar NCO; possesses the highest level of integrity and moral conviction, o stood above contemporaries in personal commitment to professionalism and dedication to duty, o stood behind principles and convictions; outwardly determined and loyal, o stood by values; denounced efforts to document frivolous medical care to support future VA disability claims, o stood up for his soldiers and himself; identified unknown inequalities and improved resource allocation, o stood up for what is right; demonstrated moral courage, o stopped NCO who habitually put his hands on junior Soldiers to correct them; restored dignity and improved work environment, o strove for team effort in accomplishing assigned tasks; strong in character, pride and professionalism, o supported a climate of dignity and respect; ensured the fair and respectful treatment of all assigned personnel, o supported and defended the NCOIC's orders; prevented negative morale and maintained productive work environment, o surveyed all platoon members to ensure all had cold weather gear; arranged supply issue for ARNG Soldiers, facilitated team success, o sustained a work environment of cooperation by adhering to SHARP/EO principles; ensured the fair treatment of assigned Soldiers and civilians, o sustained operations; made significant and continuous positive contributions on a daily basis, o synchronized the consistent delivery of over 25,000 lines of medical supplies valued in excess of $8 million, o tackled all missions; accepted responsibility for failure and took actions necessary to fulfill them, o took responsibility for his actions; worked with peers to correct failures, o trained and cared for soldiers and their families; efforts evident by Section's unprecedented progress, o treated all members with dignity and respect; supported SHARP, EO and EEO through her leadership example, o trusted by his superiors to lead the platoon and make the right decisions, o trusted by Soldiers and leaders for her integrity and commitment to them; a committed and dedicated leader, o understood the importance of developing future leaders through mentorship, Army values, and military tradition, o unequalled drive to accomplish the unit's mission, o upheld the Army Values by enforcing standards and discipline among the junior enlisted, o used time wisely; excelled at completing assigned tasks on time and meeting critical deadlines, o valued by leadership; can be depended upon to perform under the most extreme circumstances, o versatile; always accepted assignments within or outside her MOS to support the entire mission, o viewed as our most self-motivated and dependable troop; committed to mission accomplishment, o voiced his opinions and had the patience to present his views logically, o volunteered for additional duties and accepted responsibility to ensure mission accomplishment; superb team player, o volunteered for difficult civic project to improve Army's image abroad, o volunteered off-duty time for weapon and mask draw to ensure effective range and AWT training, o volunteered to assist in the battery self-help project; contagious enthusiasm revitalized shop morale and resulted in 100% participation, o volunteered to attend, prepare for and secure recognition as the Soldier of the month; validated Platoon leadership methods, o volunteered to participate in and support Change of Command, 2 parades, and post cleanup; enhanced Army image, o was competent and responsible in the execution of all her duties, o was relied on to successfully complete all assignments, o welcomed all new arrivals and helped them integrate into daily operations; key factor in shop harmony and efficiency, o went above and behold to execute that mission; demonstrated loyalty to the commander's intent, o went the extra mile to complete the job, o worked behind the scenes to ensure all equipment and COMSEC was packed and available but credited team for success of Ft Bliss joint exercise, o worked behind the scenes to get the job done; set the example for peers and subordinates, o worked diligently on training tasks; made steady incremental progress daily; on schedule to be 100% qualified within 6 months, o worked efficiently with staff and is committed to the unit's mission, o worked enthusiastically alongside peers and subordinates; demonstrated a high level of commitment and dedication, o worked late often to ensure his Soldiers' professional and personal needs were met, o worked tirelessly to fulfill mission requirements; prepared 160 pallets in less than 7 days, o worked until the mission was completed; a dependable asset that is the definition of readiness, o worked without complaint during the heavy workload generated by troop mobilizations, o took advantage of his position as NCOIC to consistently be late for duty; poor example lowered work center morale, o delegated responsibility for operations to a dishonest NCO who falsified reports to make the detachment appear to accomplish more than they did, o alienated Soldiers with integrity who pointed out inaccurate reports and claims; discouraged honesty and jeopardized the mission, o forbade communication by subordinates with outside agencies by phone or e-mail, o reduced morale and productivity by ignoring input by anyone but the Operations NCO, o failed to meet goals when over 50% of workcenter found ways to be transferred out of the workcenter, o encouraged subordinates to take advantage of the government welfare system (disability) by documenting false or borderline physical ailments, o as Det Chief, forced his captive audience to listen to his personal political views on a daily basis; wasted time and resources and lowered morale and productivity, o used his position as Det Chief to hire personal acquaintances who were not qualified for civilian positions in the workcenter, o set poor example by sexually harrassing visiting female reps from outside agencies, o hid serious shortfalls until it was too late to correct them, o slept on overnight shift, left junior Soldiers unsupervised with high voltage equipment; risked unit's mission, o stole TDY Soldiers' personal possessions; justified actions with claim that insurance would reimburse Soldiers for their loss, o failed to follow orders when unsupervised, o regularly shows disrespect to NCOs and requires constant supervision. 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88m ncoer bullets