malayalees are the worst

That's like being the God and Devil at the same time. ""fucking blood sucking paracites females is what malyalis are. But the problem is they didn't choose to exercise that option. Keen to explore the world? Toxic. During the ancient period, the people of present-day Kerala were ruled by the Chera dynasty of Tamilakam, with their capital at Vanchi. The indigenous adoption of the available raw materials and their transformation as enduring media for architectural expression thus became the dominant feature of the Malayali style of architecture.[86]. My 25 old supervisors was there she I am consistent but improving and that have been monitoring me for 2 weeks. actually its funny hes a kannadiga brahmin settled in tamil nadu, Can't believe this guy is highly regarded over there, Modern woke leftists simply see him as a symbol despite the BS he said about us and dalits as well as his reasons for starting the dravidian movement. lying scheming abusing elders and threatening is the norm with malyalee females . As you yourself said a well structured algorithm should have no bugs a united prosperous India should also not have any bugs in the form of malayalis. The modern Malayalam grammar is based on the book Kerala Panineeyam written by A. R. Raja Raja Varma in late 19th century CE. Press J to jump to the feed. they say that the mother influences the kid and she is responsible for keeping the kid away from his grandparents etc. These digusting scoundrels are known to haggle with customers to sell their slutty females. She was meant to train both of us but that never happened she would ignore me. It consists of two sections. fr, I fucking hate it whenever I hear the phrase "malayali poli alle". The members of the Tharavadu consisted of mother, daughters, sons, sisters and brothers. My sincere advice Never Ever trust a Malayalee. when i do that remian silent, this guy goes on instigating me for one reason or the other and if not him someone else takes over..i am totally fed up of this perrson. You have to be a malayalee to understand. The tendency of the modern poetry is often towards political radicalism. i would only want to get back at this malyalee bitch wife of mine so that she knows that she has been a perfect bitch and there is plain hatred from my side for her her atittude her behaviour and eventually her family .Right from the day of the marrige this female has ganged up with her group of malyaless and made me feel stupid at takin this decision to marry and side with a female who i thought was against her family but it was stupid i was the one who was the bakra out here .These guys have slowly and steadily mocked made fun showed off and pressurised me to perform to provide using simple tactics like u cant do this other guys do it provide this for my daughter ,other husbands do this etc etc .While this bitch wife of mine was a miserable companion for sure in these 11 years .Never has she done anyhing but taken full pleasure in cursing that i end up outside a temple selling chappals .I dunno if her some fucking uncle is cleaning a toilet in dubai he is supp to be a great guy while others are meaningless idiots it seems .My wife is the worst of her entire siblings lot , all her siblings married folks either earning the same or more and more qualified chaps then them to look for security .This female in 11 years has done nothing all was taken care of me yet the bitch behaves as if she is a god given boon to me or my family .i can understand one should be humble but with such females one should crush them and treat them like dirt to show them that they are nothing but a parasite a rascal leech coz if you dontthey will massacre you and your family making life miserable for all .So boss marry any community girl but leave the malyali girls for the malyali guys itself .Coz these females cant live without there lingo so let them be with there lingo .As aamir khan said '' dont waste your time for a girl a bus or a train one goes other comes ''BTW i am a buff for a bolywood movies , marathi movies , hollywood movies and even south indian movies with sub titles .cant help it this is how we indian desis are Chalo tum uttar bharat ka chora nikla lagta hain ki tumhe dakshin bharat raas nahi aaya hai. I always found that hate or any negative emotion is a sign of helplessness, vulnerablity or impotence. So if you got decieved by a whore that says a lot about your character. Especially kannadigas are gutter insects, low life blood sucking parasites. Principal Secretary to Prime Minister is from Kerala8. The Christian ones are the most dangerous, it is matter of time when hindutva forces from the north will give them what sikhs got in 1984. And coming back to the issue of hate when I asked you to be positive I'm not telling you to live in some kind of a positive fairy wonderland disconnected from reality. The Malayali people (also spelled Malayalee people) are the native speakers of the Malayalam language. Fathers raping malayalee daughters are common, but due to social stigma, they are kept hush and quiet, if anyone speaks out or wants to leave, society says "why do you hate your parents".13. malyaleee reputation is so shit that i have a malyalee sis in law marrying in another caste her Mother in law put forth conditions before marrige abt integrating in the boys culture and not to stay wayward after marrige this is how there reputation preceeds in other castes .its a internationally recognized fact malyalees sell there females for money the most cunning dirt bags known internationally and even denied access to certain countries now days .malyaless are absolute bastards . What does a Malayali do when he goes to America?A: He changes his name from Karunakaran to Kevin Curren.Q. Malabar is reminiscent of the word Malanad which means the land of hills. Malayalis. Every community is a product of millions of years of evolution. They will never try to talk in the local languages if they are in south india and not just that they will make fun of the south indian languages and expect the south indians to speak in their hindi. they and their filthy accent and rotten attitude towards everyone else. We are racist to own people. Problem is that instead of countering me with logic you use foul language and arbitrary assumptions. Self righteous behaviour. Keralites think they are the best in India. [22] The estimated population of Malayalees in Malaysia in year 2020 is approximately 348,000, which makes up 12.5% of the total number of Indian population in Malaysia that makes them the second biggest Indian ethnic group in Malaysia, after the Tamils. there r always two sides of the coin and this guy above told his version.maybe she was the one who was blackmailed into leaving the house if she didnot do according to some sadist whos only goal in life maybe to show wife down to feel good abt himself. Rocher, Ludo (1986). I have heard a lot of malayaless guys telling the same thing about kannadiga and tamil females. challo at least i know my parents .Unlike you whose mother may have to search a crowd to even show u your father .Originality what am i writing here a novel arshole .I am pointing out what a scumbag likes of u you and your females are.enjoy it the posts will keep coming . Won't such kind of posts create anti national feelings in the minds of the new generation of malayalees. It has almost become a mini Kerala. Have you ever cared to bother what others say on seeing your back. [89] Kutiyattam is a traditional performing art form from Kerala, which is recognised by UNESCO and given the status Masterpieces of Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. They want to know everything running in your life, and use that information in the worst way possible. YOU NORTH INDAINS ON THIS STUPID BLOG LOVE HILTER WHO MUREDED MILLIONS OF JEWS, DISABLED AND DISABLED CHILDREN AND ANYONE THAT WAS NOT BLODE WITH BLUE EYES. It is passed from generations to use the body for personal benefit .One should hunt such females down and kill them thats what i feel .Every community girl is great Marathi , gujarati , sindhi tamil punjabi but not malyalee prostitutes !! Indeed, contemporary artists often use such modes to mock socioeconomic elites. And when i went back to kerala they hated malyalis who cannot speak malyalam in the proper accent or speak malyalam articulately. I had always had bad luck. 6. l,lml (edited 4 years ago) 0. [39] 134 Malayalam speaking households were reported in 1956 in Fiji. The fact is that the human race is still evolving and it has not yet reached the acme of perfection.Of course you may counter that by saying that a majority of malayalees tend to exhibit negative character traits compared to others. Like how Edward Norton feels about Marla Singer attending support groups because she reminds him of his lie. What I'm saying is why do you become a helpless victim of circumstances when you have a clear choice to be positive. Instead of cutting classes to watch those silly moronic flicks if you had spent some time in studying real books you would not have turned to be the pathetic person that you are now.So if I'm not mistaken are you an amateur anthropologist going by the illuminating comments you have posted here. Can anyone explain this end? Disagree with a malayalee, then see what happens = emotional drama7. Most probably you are not given the fact that you are such a spineless gutless male. I was so upset even the other senior was upset. Bloody, they talk of good of Kerala , when the fact is that it is a useless state .They are individualistic , they try to push forward the interests of another malayalee , by scuttling the prospects of a person from other states. Why the hell should we degrade ourselves marrying vile subhuman specimens like you and those of your community. Then to top it off they said the other 45 old Punjabi senior daughter was more confident that why they keeping her not me. There are so many good mallus: Its just because of some Mallus emerging from Kerala (born and brought up), hungry for success, who becomes cut throats, does black magic, become lays, betrays husbands, etc., that the other good mallus' names get spoilt and corrupted. When he was typing those statements about malayalis he must have been looking at himself in the mirror.People who live in glass houses should not throw stones at others. I will take my own case. Instead of raving and ranting in this blog it is high time you took real measures on the ground. And greedy, who isn't? Laterite was used for walls. North keralites think they are superior to the South. Indian Foreign Secretary is from Kerala3.. Indian Defense Minister is from Kerala4. This fu.cking 3rd rated state should never have been part of the Indian union, they are a dangerous manipulative people. Press J to jump to the feed. no one in the world would ever respect such a husband or anyone who has made life hell for her. This led to the cessation of the practice of mahdanams. dear friends, really i like to join in this community.i have some thoughts about malayees and i want to share with youwho is malayalees? You low crawling insect why is it that to vent your frustration you have to come to a blog that has been started by a malayali and is visited by malayalis only. such a third rate guy has the guts to comment abt mallus who r the most educated ,one of the most brilliant communities in india. [25] Authors such as Ibn Khordadbeh and Al-Baladhuri mention Malabar ports in their works. It's #NotAHack Many times they have been accused of not taking enough pride in their language and culture. This is to the guy who said that malayalee girls strip in front of others. What I'm saying is that a positive state of mind is the first and absolutely necessary prequisite for mastery of outer circumstances. did he ever encourage her in her career? So all we can say is till then stew in your own juices. Generally Indians from other parts of the country think that malayalis are sissys or timid characters who could be steamrolled or bulldozed into submission at the first hint of a fight. To the coward mentally challenged fellow who said that malayalee girls strip in front of others. did he ever throw her out of the house? The Top Ten. 24:11 622.4M These guys from bigger sates thought that since malayalis come from a small state, bullying them would be a cakewalk which they found to their dismay was not the case. People from some other places are much likelier to backstab you. reply. High suicide rate, where people take things too extreme "love of family and expectations" vs "personal desires", well, many countries are family oriented, but not this extreme. 1,647 people follow this. Malayalam IS a language. E. J. Brill, Leiden. I AM QUITE I KNOW MANY PEOPLE I HARLDY EVER TALK TO BUT WNE O THER MALAYALEES SEE THIS. I am a law-abiding citizen, I am not perfect, but I try my best. Even the same subcaste won't intermarry or eat with each other. i married a malyalee female thinking educated people and individuals are different .But straight on 1st day of marrige my mother in law in front of all my relatives striped her daughters jwellery and stated its not safe to keep jwellery here in intercaste marrige . Criminal mentality, in front smile in back lust and spread rumours4. In addition, when it comes to jobs north Indians play every dirty trick in the book to get other Indians to quit their job, or to get them sacked. But kerala's left doesn't promote them as much because both of them sought to reform Hinduism in itself and uplift the oppressed castes to social equality, rather than the complete rejection of Hinduism that periyar taught. I was a misfit everywhere and that is why I am not a nationalist. Everything you say is right ! In fact when it comes to fighting amongst themselves they have developed the art of verbal warfare to a state of perfection. It is a part and parcel of human nature. Kerala is known for its traditional sadhyas, a vegetarian meal served with boiled rice and a host of side-dishes. In fact having a sharp tongue is considered to be a manly quality by many mallus. Why do Malayali's go to the Gelff?A: To yearn meneyQ. This is like asking, Why do you need oxygen?. he sits and passes comments based on his biases and his delusions and the sufferers are his own kids and wife . The Canadian Malayalee Association ( CMA) is a secular, non-political, non-partisan, and an incorporated non-profit organization (Reg. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It is conducted in Payippad Lake which is 35km from Alappuzha district of Kerala state. in all the developed countries they are trying to create a one kerala there.then acting in front the own country peoples.(i have lot more thoughts about mallus i will write in my next post). Sonny boy I don't know your wife's version of the story. Search Results - Showing 0 - 34 Of 68. they have one measurement unit for evtyhing in life"MONEY". So you do have a flair for abusing. Nor the vast majority of Indians can speak Hindi, our National language? [94] Chavittu nadakom is a theatrical art form observed mainly by Kerala Latin Christians, dating back to the second half of the 16th century.[94]. [86], Timber is the prime structural material abundantly available in many varieties in Kerala. The thing is that it's we Malayalis who create and perpetuate notions like this(due to ignorance about psychology or due to isolationism exclusive thinking).Other Indians are of the opinion that a malayalee always corner jobs for other malayalees. Sometimes they are called Keralites. [91] Theyyam is a ritualistic art form of Malayalis, which is thought to predate hinduism and to have developed from folk dances performed in conjunction with harvest celebrations. The incident was also confirmed by the Indian Embassy in Poland, according to the deceased's family. I say this because he has written very bad things about Dalits and reservation for Dalits. Most of the families go abroad in search of jobs and education, mostly middle-east countries. At least four more Malayalis are turning out for the matches in the UAE.. Now listen you black monkey if you think that your abuses are like some kind of sharp arrows that travel straight and fast to hit malayalees who then lay writhing in pain then you are mistaken. Yea, even we love him, just that he isnt ours. They drive each other to depression, drinking and suicide rates by "sharp and cutting words".Blackmailing sentences, sounds, mockery11. There is a correction "of a lunatic who spat at the moon only to have the spit fall back on his face". They are composed in a mixture of Malayalam and Arabic. the north indian guys keep their wives under humb hold. You revealed your true persona when you said that you were not smart enough to handle the wiles of your wife. In 19th century Chavara Kuriakose Elias, the founder of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate and Congregation of Mother of Carmel congregations, contribute different streams in the Malayalam Literature. For that you need to take initiative and be ready to go the whole hog. Photo: Dr Anitha Devi Pillai. Actually the 2nd in line is also as you say a madrasi and a marathi but it will definitely never be a malyali anymore .So its like galti kiya marrying a malyali not a madrasi female. Chief Security Advisor to the Prime Minister if from Kerala6. Why don't you start your own community blog or is it that none knows your faceless nameless community. Kerala is the only 100% literate State in India..11. They make up around 10 percent of the total number of Indians in Malaysia. THEY SHOULD BE KICCKED OUT OF BOMBAY AND BANGALORE. I'll go first. Since Malayalam is the language spoken by the people in Kerala, they are popularly called as "Malayalees . San Diego Malayalees, is a charity organization for promoting cultural, ethnic and artistic traditions and values of the South Indian State of. Any malayalees on the Student room finished GCSEs? i don't think the clique behaviour nice. Malayalees are the rudest people I have ever known. coz life is short and where is the time to hate when there is no time to love? When soemones brain is dewired u stop reacting. I have not the slightest intention of standing head and shoulders above others by giving false statistics or comparing kerala with others. Since the lineage was through the female members, the birth of a daughter was always welcomed. Samson and Nair are not the only Keralites in IPL. ?? But again you must take on the basis of average count. Most Malayalis are descendants of the early inhabitants of India, the so-called Dravidians (speakers of Dravidian languages), who were driven H- Headphones. Thats my honest take on this. And that is the reason I didn't have friends anywhere. Her mother hated me and she intimidated me. well all of those guys who hate mallus or any other caste. Some are good malayalees, but they themselves are having problems7. We malayalis are teflon coated nothing sticks on us. there should be something good abt the person whom u want to retain back in ur life. CALLING US EVIL. The Sangam literature can be considered as the ancient predecessor of Malayalam. It actually means that subconciously or conciously you were not able to understand the root mechanism at work. Sometimes they can blow up in our face. u all got a problem withurselves.Human beings r more imp rather than dividng by caste creed etc and making blogs abt hating communities etc, why dont u do soemthing positive in life? This can be commonly seen on the comment section on videos from mallu content creators. they are next to jews give a trouble to otherswhy mallu aunties are very familiar in sex? Film music, which refers to playback singing in the context of Indian music, forms the most important canon of popular music in India. Thankfully my potential in laws feel the same way too and do not get too involved in the huge malayalee community in their area after experiencing drama and encountering bigots at their old church. (TN has over 65% reservation you know). They somehow educate their children like Paarpans and come to our country searching for jobs.Can't they go to the Andamans? Disagree with a malayalee, then see what happens = emotional drama5. spices like black pepper, cardamom and clove are used profusely. In your city you have seen Keralites as narial pani wallahs, manual laboures and shop assistants only. 22634. For the 1st time you are at least not defending the dirty attitude depicted by the minority malyalis whom i have seen or been associated with .Ok here i will accept your point that my bad experiences with a family and group of malyalis should not make me generalize .I prefer not naming individual malyalis so i had to generalize the entire malyali female category coz the few malyali females i am facing are pathetic and depicted every characteristic that was mentioned above in the hate list of malyalis .I have friends from every community and real close buddies thats why i always believed that individuals matter and generalizations dont ,but this perception changed for malyalis over the last 11 yrs with this female i have stayed with .so sonny boy i think now you sounded logical so i came down to your logical i guess as an amateur programmer i need to write a new logical algorithm with a lot of conditional structures which takes care of the bugs in the logic. and attributing his monen y earning skills to prove his greatness in alll the other fields of life when his maturity is almost in negative.he is the worst husband someone can have . I will tell you another episode from your trichur fairy tales of a malyali which shows how cheap you guys are .A friend of mine married a malyaleeafter the wedding ceremony the bride goes to the guys house mother and uncle come to drop them ,what does the bride and mother do they go to guys room and remove the girls jwellery stating its not safe in the guys house .All the guys relatives were there when this nice scene was played out by the girl and her mother .You should see the taunts the guys family got for marrying a malyali from his relatives .The guy became a joke in his family .the bride was never taken to any relatives house to meet anyone after that embarassing episode.You guys buy wedding attire on rent to show off to your community and the entire farce comes off when the wedding is over .I told the fucker when malyali chuths cant speak normally in a group of people how do u expect the fuckers to behave normally in a intercaste marrige .well he always has my support in the anti malyalee brigade for sure .the brides side must be consisting cheap bastards like you who use there females for conning people of there money .This adds one more to your cheap behaviours performed and exhibited in public . I would not sit simply, I request you to protest against this", - full speech, Selected Works of Jawaharlal Nehru, Second Series, Vol. His has been accusing me of things which i never did. racists, any malayalee that marries non malayalee is attacked, spat upon, their family threatened. All Travancore Kings including Sree Moolam Thirunal conducted Hiranyagarbham and Tulapurushadaanam ceremony. So there is no point in getting disturbed over people who are unconcious and sleepwalking through life.It is the positive people who are concious and posses free will in the real sense of the word. Other coleagues liked me, I did not mess up at all, said I was a team player and I never had a complaint from members of public. Vulnerablity or impotence the Canadian malayalee Association ( CMA ) is a ``! Blog or is it that none knows your faceless nameless community need to take initiative be! The Andamans Kerala were ruled by the Indian Embassy in Poland, according the... 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Of mahdanams 19th century CE and education, mostly middle-east countries malayalee girls in! Was more confident that why they keeping her not me your community not the! Product of millions of years of evolution negative emotion is a secular,,! Other to depression, drinking and suicide rates by `` sharp and cutting words ''.Blackmailing sentences, sounds mockery11.: to yearn meneyQ malabar ports in their language and arbitrary assumptions the practice of.!

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malayalees are the worst