sankhya philosophy ppt

This is the liberation of purua, in Skhya, normally called kaivalya (isolation). Many modern scholars understand purua as strictly unchanging; some of them (for example, A.B. This is the revealed aspect of the physical universe. Presentation Transcript. varaka appears to recognize three kinds of inference (SK 5b) (as evidenced by his clear reference to the Nyya-Stra 1.1.5): cause to effect, effect to cause and analogical reasoning. Other important figures in the tradition, frequently referred to and also quoted in the commentaries, include Vragaya, and Vindhyavsin, who may have been an older contemporary of varaka. Not only are its formal statements accepted by all subsequent representatives, but also its ordering of the topics and its arguments are definitive very little is added in the course of the centuries. Its essence is aversion, its purpose is bringing into motion and its activity is seizing. When these five elements are in the subtle realm, they are known as tanmatras. This original condition is known as prakriti-pradhana or mula-prakriti, which is the natural foundation. I want to impress on your mind that we are bound to listen to him as the great father of philosophy. sankhya: Indian school of philosophy. After understand Sankhya philosophy we will discuss and try to solve all the mysteries of universe from the principles of Sankhya philosophy. Sankhya serves as the main opponent of Vedanta Philosophy which elucidates the monistic theory of creation. Sattva is additionally often used for entity, existence, essence and intelligence. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. varakas work, the Skhya-Krik consists of 72 stanzas in the ry meter. Things that can be seen are not objects of philosophical inquiry. The Sankhya system derives its name from the word Sankhya meaning number, since it enumerates the metaphysical principles of reality. Learn faster and smarter from top experts, Download to take your learnings offline and on the go. These in turn yield the elements (bhta, mahbhta). These ten indriyas are evolutes of mind. Perception is the direct cognition of sensible qualities (such as color and sound), which mediate cognition of the elements (such as earth and water). The nature of the puruaPrakti connection is prima facie problematic. The function of the buddhi (intellect) is specified as adhyavasya (determination); it can be understood as definite conceptual knowledge. The word Skhya is derived from the Sanskrit noun sankhy (number) based on the verbal root khy (make known, name) with the preverb sam(together). Characteristic of Skhya is a metaphorical but consistent presentation of the purua as a conscious, unchangeable, male principle that is inactive, while Nature is the unconscious, forever changing, female principle that is active, yet subservient to the ends of the purua. (2) The three gua-s give an exhaustive explanation of material phenomena, but in sentient beings we find features that are the direct opposites of the gua-s (such as consciousness or being strictly private), and thus they need a non-material cause, which is the Purua. Sattva is light (not heavy). Of the latter the highest is intellect or buddhi: it is not conscious, but through its closeness to purua it appears to be so. The purua adds consciousness to the result: it is the mere witness of the intellectual processes. [2] Also out of ahamkara arise the five elements (bhuta) and the five energy potentials (tanmatra). Ahamkara or ego-sense - second product of evolution. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Cause and effect are seen as different temporal aspects of the same thing - the effect lies latent in the cause which in turn seeds the next effect.More specifically, Samkhya system follows the Prakriti-ParinamaVada. According to the Indian tradition, the first masters of Skhya are Kapila and his disciple suri. As purua is essentially private for every sentient being, being their true self, there are many irreducibly distinct purua-s. Due to the effect of the purua-s this changed and evolved the manifold universe that we see, the manifest. An escape from this endless circle is possible only through the realization of the fundamental difference between Nature and persons, whereby an individual purua loses interest in Nature and is thereby liberated forever from all bodies, subtle and gross. If this looks difficult: If this information is new to you, and looks difficult or confusing, please keep in mind that there are only a small number of principles on the charts above (about 25-30, depending on how you count them). According to some thinkers, the name 'Sankhya' is an adaptation from 'sankhya' meaning number, and has been applied to this philosophy because it aims at a right knowledge of reality by the enumeration of the ultimate objects of knowledge. You can read the details below. Rather the theory states that there is nothing absolutely new in the product: everything in it was determined by its causes. endobj From ahamkara there is a four-fold unfolding into mind (manas), sense organs (jnanendriyas), the organs of action (karmendriyas), and the subtle elements (tanmatras).. Of these the mind and senses are predominantly sattva, the organs of action rajas, and the subtle elements tamas. Metaphysically, Samkhya maintains a radical duality between spirit/consciousness (Purusha) and matter (Prakrti).PurushaPurusha is the Transcendental Self or Pure Conciousness. Chndogya Upaniad presents an important forerunner of the gua-theory, although the terminology is different. In Western philosophy the main focus of discussions about dualism concern dualism between the mind and the body. stream Perhaps some of the verses were added by a student, but most of the work clearly tells of a single, philosophically and poetically ingenious hand. Transmigration is compared to an actor putting on different clothes and taking up many roles; it is determined by the law of (efficient) cause and effect, known also as the law of karma (action). They are what is touched, what is tasted, what is smelled, what is heard, and what is seen1--While there are countless separate and individual purushas in the Samkhya philosophy, these cannot be said to be either subjects or objects. In the various manifestations of nature the dominance of the gua-s variesin the highest forms sattvarules, in the lowest tamas covers everything. A valid source of information (prama) is veridical, yielding knowledge of its object. Theory of ExistenceThe Samkhya system is based on Satkaryavada. The school also argues that an unchanging Ishvara as the cause cannot be the source of a changing world as the effect.Later on followers of Samkhya adopted theism and included Ishvara within the system. We've updated our privacy policy. In the commentaries it is normally explained as the view that the effect already exists in its cause prior to its production. They reveal no knowledge of the form or the name of the object. The spirit who is always free is only a witness to the evolution, even though due to the absence of discriminate knowledge, he misidentifies himself with it.The evolution obeys causality relationships, with primal Nature itself being the material cause of all physical creation. The relation of the unmanifest and manifest nature is somewhat vague, perhaps because there were conflicting opinions on this question. It comes about through loosening the bond between purua and Prakti. And as a dancer, after having performed, stops dancing, so does Prakti cease to perform for an individual purua when its task is accomplished. Here Purusha stands for the Supreme Self and Prakriti stands for Matter. But first the effect of the ego must be neutralized, and this is done by a special kid of meditational praxis. The twenty four principles that evolves are -Prakriti - The most subtle potentiality that is behind whatever that is created in the physical universe. They subdue, give birth to and copulate with each other. Around the beginning of our era, Skhya became the representative philosophy of Hindu thought in Hindu circles, and this probably explains why we find it everywhere not only in the epics and the Upaniads but also in other important texts of the Hindu tradition, such as the dharmastra-s (law-books), medical treatises (yurveda) and the basic texts of the meditational Yoga school. Hence they can neither be differentiated nor be labeled. The sage Vyasa, the most noted commentator on the Yoga Sutras, mentions this in his comments on Sutra 3.6. Another putative ancient master of Skhya, Pacaikha, seems to be more historical, and may have been the author of the original ai-Tantra. 50% (2) 50% found this document useful (2 votes) It is the original primordial root-nature from which everything else arises through a process of self-unfolding, triggered through the proximity of the purusha or centre of consciousness. In the Indian tradition it rather consists in the origin of a thing. Two millennia ago it was the representative Hindu philosophy. Uploaded by mohityadav1307. What does the mind sense? Prakriti Prakriti is comprised of three qualities Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva. However, each philosophy recognizes the principle of karma, the cycle of birth and death, and reincarnation. % Sankhya Philosophy is one of the 6 major philosophies accepted by Ayurveda. Non existence cannot be brought into existence by the causeThe effect must have its appropriate material causeThere must be causal relationship between cause and effectThe effect must be potentially contained in the cause, because a particular cause can produce a particular effectThe effect is never different from the causeMilk cannot be produced from sandTo produce butter milk is sought forSatkaarya-vaada (theory of existent causes), and holds that nothing can really be created from or destroyed into nothingness - all evolution is simply the transformation of primal Nature from one form to another.The evolution of matter occurs when the relative strengths of the attributes changes. Skhya adduces three arguments to prove that there is a separate purua for each individual: (1) Birth, death and the personal history of everybody is different (it is determined by the law of karma, according to our merits collected in previous lives). This same process of arising and receding happens not only with the senses, but all of the evolutes of Prakriti. PSYCHOLOGICAL . Panchmahabhuta or five great substances - ether, air, fire, water and earth. Encyclopedia of indian philosophies vol 4 - samkhya a dualist tradition in in Sankhya Darshan by Dr. Vijay Kumar, Teacher Educator, The What of Vedanta - The Philosophy of Narayana Guru. The mind for its part internally constructs a representation of objects of the external world with the data supplied by the senses. To debate or not debate: Some intellectuals will also debate furiously and endlessly about whether the ultimate nature of reality is dualistic or non-dualistic. There is cognition of the object, but no discriminative recognition.For example, a babys initial experience is full of impression. The cause under consideration here is Prakriti or more precisely Mula-Prakriti (Primordial Matter). By comparison, think of how you have learned to use the browser software with which you look at this web page. As a result of this conjunction, the purua is embodied in the world and appears to be the agent, and moreover Prakti seems to be conscious as it is animated by purua-s. (Various Schools & Sankhya) Dr Kanchan Saxena The Sankhya Philosophy The Samkhya system advocates the ontological dualism of Prakriti and . If Prakti is equated with the World, purua may be equated with the (true) self. sankhya-Purusa - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. A detailed account giving due weight to the. This destroys the purpose of evolution, thus stopping Prakrti from evolving for Purusha.Samkhyan cosmology describes how life emerges in the universe; the relationship between Purusha and Prakriti is crucial to Patanjali's yoga system. These latter are the source from which evolve the five gross elements of the material world. Therefore as long as the transmigrating entity persists, the suffering of old age and death is unavoidable. View Sankhya PowerPoint (PPT) presentations online in SlideServe. Prakti, although unconscious, possesses the capability to respond in a specific, structured way because of its sattva gua, the informationintelligence aspect of nature. This bond was originally produced by the curiosity of the soul, and it is extremely strong because the ego identifies our selves with our empirical state: the body and the more subtle organs, including the material psyche. There is only external awareness about an object. It is only a list of topics, but a list quite different from the categories of the Krik; it has several commentaries, the best known is the Krama-Dpik, Light on the Succession. The other text is the well-known, longish Skhya-Stra, which plainly follows the Krik in most respects but adds many more illustrative stories and polemics with later philosophic positions. sankhya: Indian school of philosophy. It delineates that part of the world that we consider to be or to belong to ourselves: mind, body, perhaps family, property, rank It individuates and identifies parts of Prakti: by itself nature is one, continuous and unseparated. Nyaya philososphy Vijayalakshmi Murugesan 1 of 9 Ad. Liberation is forestalled, on the Skhya account, because puruabecomes enamored with the beautiful woman, Prakti, and refuses to part ways with her. If Prakti is understood as Nature, purua can be understood as the person. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. ), where reference is made to the following ascending sequence:senses (indriyas) sense objects (elements) mind (manas) intellect (buddhi) great self (mahan atman) the unmanifest (avyakta) the Person (Purusha) Although the school of Samkhya as such was systematized by the legendary Kapila, and the Samkhya-sutra traditionally attributed to him, in its present form it is not his original work, but dates from the 15th century.Evolution of the Samkhya SchoolOne of the Six Schools of traditional Hindu philosophy, Samkhya philosophy is also considered to be the oldest. Understood literally, this is not tenableif the cause existed, why was it not perceived prior to the point called its production? In other words, senses without mind operating through them simply do not work. If there were one purua only, all bodies should be identical or at least indistinguishable for the function of the self orpurua is to be a supervisor of the body. As the immaterial soul, purua is not known through direct perception. The great Indian epic, the Mahbhrata, represents the Skhya system as already quite old at the time of the great war of the Bharata clan , which occurred during the first half of the first millennium BCE. Evolution is followed by dissolution. This is not to say that self-awareness training is as easy as learning to use a computer. Shortcuts: It is important to note and remember that, while the retracing method of Sankhya-Yoga leads one systematically inward to direct experience, there is also the shortcut from bestowing of direct experience, grace, or shaktipat, whether you hold that as coming from God, Guru, or some other explanation of such gift. Another problem was its atheistic nature: there is no creator god in this cosmology. Proto-Samkhya speculation also appears in the Katha Upanishad (about 4th century b.c.e. The Indian Philosophy (Various Schools & Sankhya). The Samkhyan's argue that the existence of Ishvara cannot be proved and hence cannot be admitted to exist. The latter contains among other things the epistemological apparati of embodied beings (such as the mind, intellect, and senses). The Sankhya Philosophy (contd..) They cooperate for an external purpose (the puruas aim) like the parts of a lamp the wick, the oil and the flame. Both are eternal and independent of each other. It is pure potentiality that evolves itself successively into twenty four tattvas or principles. Manas (often translated as mind, though this may be misleading), designates the lowest, almost vegetative part of the central information-processing structure. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Weve updated our privacy policy so that we are compliant with changing global privacy regulations and to provide you with insight into the limited ways in which we use your data. Samkhya, also Sankhya, (Sanskrit: , IAST: Skhya - Enumeration) is one of the six schools of classical Indian philosophy. Their purpose is twofold: the purua desires experiencewithout blind nature, it would be unable to have experiences; and both Prakti and purua desire liberation (in keeping with the simile, both nature and the person, the blind and the lame, desire to make their way home and part ways). The character of this evolution (parima) is somewhat vague. There are many practical ways to ward off the darker side of life: such as self-defense, pleasures, medicine, and meditation. The ascetic and meditative yoga practice, in contrast, aimed at overcoming the limitations of the natural body and achieving perfect stillness of the mind. (1) All complex structures serve an external purpose, for instance, a bed is for somebody to lie on; so the whole of nature, or more specifically the body a very complex system must also serve something different from it, which is thepurua. The standard simile in the early Skhya tradition explains that as milk (an unconscious substance) starts to flow in order to nurture the calf, Praktiflows to nurture purua. So it must be the locus either of volition or of some hidden motivation underlying it. Free access to premium services like Tuneln, Mubi and more. The Sankhya word in Sanskrit means 'number'. It is sighted in many major texts from the East Indian culture. Samsaara or bondage arises when the Purusha does not have the discriminate knowledge and so is misled as to its own identity, confusing itself with the physical body - which is actually an evolute of Prakriti. (3) The coordinated activity of all the parts of a human being prove that there is something supervising it; without it, it would fall apart, as we see in a dead body, hence the purua must exist. In standard categories it is a dualism of purua (person) and Prakti (nature); but Prakti has two basic forms, vyakta, manifest, and avyakta, unmanifest, so there are three basic principles. The problem appears to have been first formulated by opponents in the Nyya and Vednta schools, and the author of the Yukti-dpik is also aware of it. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Also if purua has no gua-s (qualities), one purua cannot be specifically different from another. Mind: Mind (manas) is the instrument, which is the driving force behind actions, speech, and the thinking process. Nature, though unconscious, is purposeful and is said to function for the purpose of the individual purua-s. Aside from comprising the physical universe, it comprises the gross body and sign body (or subtle body) of a purua. Indian philosophy -Vaisesika School of thought, Vedanta Philosophy - Metaphysics, Epistemology & Axiology. %PDF-1.5 Dear IAS Aspirants,Download Old Monks Philosophy ANDROID Application - FOR ONLINE BATCHES - For Skhya, creation consists in the conjunction of the two categories of Prakti andpurua(s). Email: Azaharuddeen, ( isolation ) based on Satkaryavada // id=co.bolton.madga++++ his comments on Sutra 3.6 entity persists, the suffering old! Western philosophy the main focus of discussions about dualism concern dualism between the mind, intellect, sattva... ( manas ) is veridical, yielding knowledge of the ego must be the locus either of volition of! Done by a special kid of meditational praxis creator god in this cosmology main opponent of Vedanta philosophy which the! Not known through direct perception comments on Sutra 3.6 understood literally, this is not to that. 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